Author: bswhyatt

The Little Wren on S4C

As the skincare industry grows, AHAS/BHAS/Retinoids are easily more accessible. People do not understand that these products can affect your Semi-Permanent Makeup (SPMU) results! Wel wedi gorfod cadw hyn yn gyfrinach ers misoedd ar fisoedd.. Ond Llongyfarchiada mawr i Rita arol enill gwobr £5000 gan y clinig a rhodd ei hyder yn ol. Roedd y…
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Did you know?

Your skincare can affect your tattoo brows? Let’s talk skincare and semi-permanent Makeup (SPMU): As the skincare industry grows, AHAS/BHAS/Retinoids are easily more accessible. People do not understand that these products can affect your Semi-Permanent Makeup (SPMU) results! So many of these products are in daily cleansers & moisturisers. Therefore, if you’re looking to get…
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Trust the Process

At your appointment, we will explain the healing process very thoroughly. Here’s a reminder to help calm the rollercoaster of emotions during the brow healing process. If you’ve had your brows done before, you know exactly what we’re talking about. The entire process will take from 4-6 weeks depending on your body’s regeneration and age.…
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